Screen shots
Freeplay development is proceeding at a rate which guarantees that the web site and the screen
shots are obsolete. But check them out anyway.
Click on the images for a full size view.

Here is the main program showing the list of the different components on the left and the editing
area on the right. The analogy used is that of a stage. There are different scenes, actors and props.
On the right is a scene editor. Here various features of the scene are defined, such as the paths
where the actors may walk, the 3d depth (z-order) of the items in the scene, the background music,

This shows the built in script editor. Note the syntax highlighting and the object oriented commands

The animation editor. Each actor has various animations associated with them. Here the animation
needed for the actor to walk to the right are defined.

Freeplay has a built in image (sprite) editor. Its no GIMP or Photoshop but is very useful for simple
changes, and its very easy to use :)
If you were observant you would have noticed that the menus, labels and other texts are a little strange.
This is because the different language message sets have not yet been added. What you see are the
keywords that are used to lookup the correct text from the message files.